
Book your accommodation in Uzbekistan with best rate!
Most hotels in Uzbekistan are located near historical sites, the airport and train stations. There are available hundreds of recommended hotels in Uzbekistan for leisure and business, from budget to luxury. Here you can book any hotel in any city with best rates!
We guarantee cheaper prices than, Expedia, Agoda, etc.

Request for Tour

Smoking All
accommodation will be reserved with non-smoking rooms, unless the client specifically requires a smoking room. Confirmation is depending on hotel availability.
For all the services contracted, certain advance payment should be made to hold the booking, on confirmed basis and the balance amount can be paid either before your departure from your country or upon arrival in Uzbekistan but definitely before the commencement of the services.
An Agreement will be sent to the client together with the payment instructions. If you do not pay your balance by the agreed time, the Company reserves the right to cancel your booking or pursue any unpaid amount.
All payments made to SARBON TOURS should be free of bank charges and credit card transaction surcharges. SARBON TOUR is not responsible for any charges levied or charged by third parties and/or financial institutions and payable by the client as a result of credit card or other payment transactions in connection with the purchase of a tour and will not refund or return any fees charged by such third parties in connection with payments made by clients to SARBON TOURS.
Cancellation Policy
You may cancel your booking at any time providing you notify the Company in writing. All cancellations must be made by the person who submitted the booking form. The following charges will be levied on any cancellation:
30 days or more prior to departure – 10% of booking cost
15-29 days before departure – 20% of booking cost
1-14 days before departure – 50% of booking cost