
Official name: Republic of Tadzhikistan

Area: 143,100 км2

Population: 8 610 000 person (2015 estimate)

Capital: Dushanbe

Official language: Tajik

Government: Dominant-party semi-presidential republic

President: Emomalii Rahmon

Religion: Islam

Currency: Somoni (TJS)

Time zone: TJT (UTC+5)

Drives on the: right

Banks operating days: Monday - Friday

Electric power: 220V AC, 50A (Standard 2-pin plug socket)

Calling code: +992

Internet TLD:.tj




A trip to Tajikistan is a trip to the Pamirs, which is considered one of the highest and grandest mountain systems in the world. This ancient land has a rich past, as deep and centuries-old as time itself. Antiquity is felt among the ruins of temples, heard in the incomprehensible language of isolated communities, and seen in the rich cultural traditions preserved by the inhabitants of the country who are proud of their land.

Despite the fact that Tajikistan is a small country, it has various records among the countries of the former USSR. Somoni Peak in the Pamir Mountains is the highest peak in the entire region, the city of Murghab is the highest city in the former Soviet Union, and the Ak-Baytal pass is the highest automobile pass of the former USSR. The thirteen-meter Buddha statue is the largest in Central Asia. The Nurek dam is one of the largest in the world. And in the Yagnob Valley there are people who speak a dialect of the Sogdian language, one of the oldest in Asia - the main language of the Great Silk Road.

It is quite easy to get a visa to Tajikistan. Citizens of more than 20 Asian and Eastern European countries can come to Tajikistan without a visa for a period of 30 to 90 days. At the same time, passport holders of most other countries have the opportunity to obtain a visa on arrival or issue an electronic visa valid for 45 days in advance. Tourists who require an invitation letter can get visa support through Advantour or other local travel agencies. You can read more about a visa to Tajikistan here.

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